December 2nd 2014 archive

What is your favorite family time?

A YouTube video featuring a man trying not to laugh while gently scolding his two sons for covering themselves in paint reminded me of this happy day many years ago when my boys were young.  Their imaginations would take them to magical places, and that day they were on a voyage to the land of Pocahontas. The night before we had a family movie night and watched the Disney VHS tape and it fired their creative instincts.  My wife and I are so thankful for those times which we cherished then and, now that they are adults, even more so.

Although the movie nights are not as frequent as I would like, we all enjoy the time together.  As sentimental parents, we need this now as much as we needed it then. When I hear the boys laugh during “The Internship” with Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, it warms my heart.  I can close my eyes and still hear that same laugh that I heard years ago watching “The Lion King” or “Pinocchio”.  That same laugh I heard when they looked at my face upon seeing all that paint on my little warriors that memorable day.  I wasn’t angry, in fact I live for those kind of moments that last a lifetime. I don’t know if they had more fun painting themselves, or washing each other off with supersquirters.
Indian Brothers